Canvas - Removing Courses from Your Dashboard


This document details the procedure for removing a Canvas course from your Dashboard.


Follow these steps to remove a Canvas course from your Canvas dashboard:

  1. Sign into Canvas from the UWGB Canvas Login page.
  2. Select Courses > All Courses from the Global Navigation Menu alongside the left edge of any page in Canvas.

    screenshot of the Canvas Courses menu in the Global Navigation Menu with the All Courses option highlighted
  3. From your All Courses list you can select and deselect courses as "favorites" to customize which courses appear on your Dashboard. Favorite courses are shown with a filled-in star icon and will appear on the Dashboard.
    • If you do not yet have any courses marked as a favorite, you can hide unwanted courses by selecting the star icon next to all of the courses you do currently want to see on your Dashboard. Any course not marked as a favorite will be removed from the Dashboard.
    • If you already have some courses marked as favorites, click the star icon next to a favorite course to "unfavorite" it and remove it from your Dashboard.
    • NOTE: You must have at least one course marked as a favorite for your non-favorite courses to be removed from your dashboard.

      screenshot of the Canvas All Courses list with the star icon to mark a favorite course highlighted
  4. Select Dashboard in the Global Navigation Menu to return to your Dashboard and confirm your favorite courses are visible and non-favorite courses are now hidden.
  5. To access a non-favorite course, find it in your All Courses list, which you can access by selecting Courses > All Courses in the Global Navigation Menu.

For additional information, please reference the official Canvas Student Guide How do I customize my Courses list?

The images in this document were sourced from the official Canvas Basics Guide and used unmodified under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



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This document details the procedure for removing a Canvas course from your Dashboard.