Canvas (Instructors) - Uploading ScanTron results to the Canvas Gradebook
This page includes the steps for uploading scores from ScanTron results spreadsheet to an assignment in Canvas.
Log into the Canvas course and navigate to the Grades section.
Select Export > Export Entire Gradebook
After the download finishes, open the gradebook export file in Excel
Keep the columns with the identifier information (Student, ID, SIS User ID, SIS Login ID, Root Account and Section—columns A through F). Delete all other columns except for the column of the assignment you’d like to update.
In another Excel Window, open the “Exam Results” spreadsheet from the Email generated by the Scantron process.
Under the Class Roster tab, copy the Score information.
Return to the exported file and Paste (right click and select “Paste Values” for the cleanest result) the data into the open area to the right of the student information beginning with the row containing the first student (probably cell H3 or H4)
The Scantron results and Canvas both sort students by last name. Unfortunately, sometimes students who have dropped the course will still be listed in the Scantron results even though they are not in the Canvas course. Thus, when you paste the scores into the exported Canvas file the scores will be off by one line. If so, cut and paste the results so that each row lines up with the correct student.
If you have multiple results (i.e. multiple versions of the exam), repeat steps 5-8 as needed. You may wish to use formulas such as =MAX(), =SUM(), or =AVERAGE() in Excel at this stage to get a final value.
Copy and Paste the final VALUES of the cells into their appropriate rows for each student (you do not want a formula under the grade item) (right click and “Paste Values”). Ensure that student names and scores line up correctly all the way down.
Delete all extra columns beyond the grade item.
Save this page as a CSV document.
Return to the Canvas Grades section and select Import.
Browse for the CSV file you created and upload it.
You may need to refresh the grades page several times for the grade changes to appear.
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Tue 12/17/24 11:45 AM
Tue 12/17/24 11:45 AM
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This page includes the steps for uploading scores from ScanTron results spreadsheet to an assignment in Canvas.