eduroam - Connecting on iPhone, iPod, and iPad


This document details how to configure the campus wireless network on your iPhone, iPod and iPad.


Connecting to eduroam

1. From the home screen select "Settings."

Screenshot of iPad Homescreen with Settings App Highlighted

2. From the Settings screen:

        1. Select "Wi-Fi." Ensure that the Wi-Fi slider is green.

        2. Select "eduroam" from Choose a Network.

Screenshot of iPad Eduroam WiFi

3. Do the following:

        1. Enter your campus email address in the Username field (for example: and your password in the Password field.  

        2. Leave the Mode set to Automatic. Select "Join."

Screenshot of iPad Password and Join

4. You will be asked to verify and accept a security certificate. You can select "More Details" if you’d like to examine the certificate. Select "Accept" or "Trust" to continue with the certificate.

Screenshot of iPad Accept

5. Wait about 10-15 seconds while your iOS device acquires an IP address; after that you will be connected.

Screenshot of Eduroam



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Wed 6/5/24 4:42 PM
Wed 6/5/24 5:06 PM
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This document details how to configure the campus wireless network on your iPhone, iPod and iPad.

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