PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a Graded Interactive Video Assignment

PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a Graded Interactive Video Assignment

UW-Green Bay instructors can use PlayPosit to create interactive videos, called "bulbs", and assign those bulbs to students in their Canvas courses. This guide details the procedure for adding a PlayPosit bulb to a Canvas course as a graded assignment.

PlayPosit created a brief video tutorial to show instructors how to add a bulb as a graded assignment in a Canvas course:

Video source

Perform the following steps to add a PlayPosit bulb to a Canvas course as a graded assignment:

  1. In your Canvas course, click on the Assignments link in the left-side course navigation menu.

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  2. Select + Assignment to begin creating a new assignment.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  3. Enter the name, details, points, and assignment group for your assignment.

  4. Scroll down to the "Submission Type" setting and select External Tool in the drop-down menu.

  5. Under "Enter or find and External Tool URL", select the Find button.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  6. Select PlayPosit in the list of external tools.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  7. The PlayPosit setup menu will open in a pop-up window. Select Enter PlayPosit.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

    TIP: This setup window can be resized to take up more of your screen by clicking and dragging its edges.

  8. Create a new bulb for your assignment or select an existing bulb from the list of your bulbs:

    • To create a new bulb for your assignment, select the Add New Bulb button and complete the new bulb creation process (please see PlayPosit (Canvas) - Create a New Bulb). Once you have completed the bulb creation process and have returned to the PlayPosit setup menu in your Canvas browser tab, select the Set Bulb Link icon (red Canvas logo) next to the title of your newly created bulb.
    • To link an existing bulb to your assignment, select the Set Bulb Link icon (red Canvas logo) that is next to the title of the bulb you wish to assign to students.
    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  9. Make sure Self Paced is selected in the "Select Learner Experience" drop-down menu, then select the Link button.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  10. The PlayPosit setup menu will close and you will be returned to the Configure External Tool window in Canvas. Click the Select button to finish adding the PlayPosit external tool URL to your assignment.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  11. Add a Due Date and Availability Dates to the Canvas assignment.

    TIP: Consider leaving the "available until" date blank (open-ended) to allow students to return to the assignment to study and review the video content and interactions.

  12. Select Save to save your assignment or select Save & Publish to both save the assignment and publish it.

    Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)