NOTE: Cutting and pasting using the spike feature in Word allows non-continuous sections to be cut in series, and then all of the parts are pasted simultaneously with one command. Also, unlike normal cut and paste, using the spike preserves commenting in the block of text that was cut and pasted.
1. Select the text to be cut to the spike and press "Ctrl+F3."
2. (Optional) Press "Ctrl+Z" to restore the text that was cut in step one. A copy still remains in the spike to be pasted later.
3. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 and 2 to cut more text if needed. It will continue to add the text together in the spike.
4. Select the desired location to paste the spike in the document, and press "Ctrl+Shift+F3."
NOTE: If Track Changes is enabled on the Review tab, then the text will turn red and gain strikethrough instead of disappearing when cutting the spike. The text is still added to the spike to be pasted later. The font change can be reversed with Ctrl+Z after using Ctrl+F3.
1. Select the text to be cut to the spike and press "command+fn+F3."
NOTE: If standard function keys are enabled in system preferences, then the shortcut is just command+F3.
2. (Optional) Press "command+Z" to restore the text that was cut in step one. A copy still remains in the spike to be pasted later.
3. (Optional) Repeat steps 1 and 2 to cut more text if needed. It will continue to add the text together in the spike.
4. Click on the desired location to paste the spike in the document, and press "command+shift+fn+F3." (Use command+shift+F3 if standard function keys are enabled.)