Security - Information Security

The University of Wisconsin – Green Bay is dedicated to securing the information that is entrusted to it by our students and employees. Significant staff and financial resources are spent each year to maintain and improve the security posture of campus information technology (IT) systems.  The role of information security staff is to make campus computers, networks, servers, and the information they contain as secure as possible. Information security staff monitor IT systems for indications of illicit activity and respond and investigate reported data security breaches.

The responsibility of ensuring information security falls to every campus member who handles personal information — whether it is their own information, or that of others. Information security staff are available to work with campus departments to improve the security of the information they are responsible for.


The following document is relevant to all currently enrolled students;employees;authorized contractors, vendors and guests; and other authorized users as determined by UW – Green Bay are required to follow the UW Board of Regents policy “Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources"

Copyright Infringement Information

Copyright Infringement Information

Campus Policy on Copyright Infringement

Copyright Information at the Cofrin Library

File Sharing Information

Payment Card Industry (PCI)

Department Guidelines

Employee Confidentiality Agreement

Any questions concerning the above policies can be directed to the Information Technology Security Office via

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Article ID: 31
Wed 5/29/24 10:35 AM
Thu 8/1/24 2:51 PM
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This document details Information Security on campus.