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Canvas course instructors can create assignments to track and facilitate graded activities in their course. Each assignment in a Canvas course will appear as column in the course gradebook. Assignments support multiple submission types, including online submissions, on paper submissions, external tool submissions, and no submission. Graded quizzes and graded discussions are also considered assignments and are listed in the assignments index page. Assignments can be organized into assignment grou
The Canvas Calendar can be used to help instructors and students keep track of events, assignment due dates, and to-do items across all of their courses. This article is a collection of technical guides intended to help instructors use the Canvas Calendar.
Course instructors can add individualized due dates to any Canvas assignment (including quizzes and graded discussions) to give specific students an extended deadline for submitting their work. These due dates are added by editing the "Assign To" settings of an assignment and adding an additional box of student-specific due dates and availability dates underneath the dates that are assigned to "Everyone".
Students can use the Canvas Calendar to view scheduled events and assignment due dates across all their courses. This article is a collection of technical guides intended to help students use the Canvas Calendar.