Policy for Funding the Acquisition and Support of University Workstations

Policy for Funding the Acquisition and Support of University Workstations

All workstations will be purchased or leased through Information Services.

Workstations for 102, 103, and 131 funded staff and faculty are noted below:

The IT Division maintains a central fund to replace workstations for GPR-based operations. The fund covers an optimal laptop computer with standard campus software installed. In general, category “1” represents individuals on a four-year replacement cycle, and categories 2-5 are arranged in priority order for receiving five-year-old computers:

  1. GPR-funded permanent faculty, academic staff, and classified staff positions of 50 percent or more.
  2. GPR-funded graduate assistants and student employees less than 50 percent that are housed in the same suite where the cumulative time worked is greater than 50 percent.
  3. Instructor workstations in general assignment classrooms
  4. Generally scheduled conference rooms
  5. Kiosks

Workstations for non-102, 103, 131 funded staff, faculty, students, and temporary staff are noted below:

  1. All positions funded by non-GPR funds
  2. Grant-funded positions
  3. Temporary instructional staff (adjuncts, lecturers) less than 50 percent time.
  4. Project Appointment or Limited Term Employee positions
  5. UW Extension
  6. Non UW Green Bay employees
  7. Departmental conference rooms


Additional charges for the following will be the responsibility of the department regardless of funding or employee type:

  • Laptops – department pays the differential
  • Larger and/or additional monitors
  • Printers, scanners and other peripherals
  • Additional cables
  • Other customizations

***Approved by the Technology Council, March 20, 2000, Revised December 10, 2001, April 2, 2012


Funding Summary Chart


Funding Description Support Subscription
Central Employees funded from 102, 103, 131 that are greater than 50% FTE and must be funded more than 50% of a full FTE from 102, 103, 131 Complete - Covered by Central
Dept - Aux 1st Computer The 1st computer for employees funded by Auxiliaries (Athletics, KEC, CECE, Weidner, Residence Life, Union) Complete
Dept - Aux 2nd Computer The 2nd / 3rd / 4th / etc computer for employees funded from Auxiliaries (Athletics, KEC, CECE, Weidner, Residence Life, Union) Complete
Dept - 1st Computer The 1st computer for employees funded from funds excluding 102, 103, 131 (Does not include LTE, Ad Hoc, Student Employees, Graduate Assistants, or Contract) Complete - Covered by CFO
Dept - 2nd Computer The 2nd / 3rd / 4th / ect computer for employees funded from all funds (Can include LTE, Ad Hoc, Student Employees, Graduate Assistants, Contract) Complete
Dept - USFH

Computer for LTE, Contract, non-UWGB employees, student orgs, or vacant computer, this also includes Macs (not dept – 1st computers or Central)  and Mac Labs and Classrooms that are dept funded 

Dept - USFL

Computer for Ad Hocs, Student Employees, Graduate Students, Conference rooms, ticketing PCs, Patron, KIOSKs, POS also includes computers for dept funded classrooms and labs 

Grant - 1st Computer The 1st computer for employees funded from 133 and 144  Complete - Covered by CFO
Grant - 2nd Computer

The 2nd / 3rd / 4th / ect computer for employees funded from funds 133, 144, this can also be a fund type for non-grant employees who pay for a computer with a grant to have a second computer 

Grant - USFL This is for computers purchased using a grant fund (133, 144) but are not used by faculty or staff. This is for student employees, graduate assistants, or student loaner laptops Limited
Recycle - USFH
  • A computer for non-UWGB employees and recycle funded Mac computers 

Recycle - USFL Computer for Ad Hocs, Student Employees, Graduate Students, Conference rooms, student services labs, or KIOSKs  Limited