Canvas (Instructors) - Sending Final Grades to SIS

Instructors can send their final grade letter values from Canvas to SIS. This feature can be especially useful for large enrollment classes. After sending grades from Canvas to SIS, instructors will still need to log into SIS to approve their grade rosters by the deadline published in the Academic Calendar.

Here is the procedure for sending grades from Canvas to SIS:

  1. In the Settings page of your Canvas course, create and enable a grading scheme that matches the letter grade format used in SIS (use only A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D, and F). Please reference the following Canvas guides:

  2. Finish grading all graded activities in Canvas.

    • Enter zeroes in the Canvas gradebook for missing work so that the total scores seen in Canvas are accurate. During the grade sync to SIS, anything not graded will count as a zero for a student.

    • Make sure all assignment grades have been posted in Canvas. Hidden/muted grades will not be included in the grade sync calculation. Please see: How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook? 

  3. Send your grades from Canvas to SIS:

    1. Navigate to your Canvas course.

    2. Select "Grades" in the course navigation menu to open your gradebook.

    3. Select the Sync button, then select "Sync to SIS."

      screenshot of the Sync button at the top of the Canvas gradebook and the Sync to SIS option

    4. You should see a Sync Grades window confirming the successful scheduling of your sync request. You can click on the success message to view progress. The sync process typically takes around 5 minutes to finish.

      Screenshot of the Sync Grades window with the heading "Scheduled" and the message, "Success! We have received your request to sync grades. Click to see progress."

Once the grade sync is complete, you must approve the grades in SIS. Follow the steps below to approve your final grades in SIS, or reference the full SIS Help guide on submitting final grades for additional information:

  1. Log in to SIS - UWGB SIS Login Page 

  2. Go to the grade roster for your course then complete the following steps:

    1. Under "Display options", select "Final Grade" as the "Grade Roster Type".

    2. Grades from Canvas send to the Roster Grade column; verify the grades in this column are what you expected to see from Canvas. If needed, you may make changes in the Canvas gradebook and restart the grade sync process.

    3. Under "Grade Roster Action", select "Approved" in the "Approval Status" dropdown menu, then select "Save."


scereenshot of the SIS Grade Roster page with the Grade Roster Type dropdown menu, Roster Grade column, and Approval Status dropdown menu highlighted