Canvas - Sharing ePortfolios

How to share a public Canvas ePortfolio

A public ePortfolio allows anyone with the URL to view your ePortfolio. By default, Canvas ePortfolios are set as private. You will need to make your ePortfolio public in order to share a public link.

  1. Log in to Canvas ( with your UWGB username and password.
  2. Navigate to the Canvas Global Navigation Menu and click "Account."
  3. In Account, click on the menu item "ePortfolios."
    Select ePortfolio
  4. Select the ePortfolio you want to share.
  5. Confirm your ePortfolio is set to public by navigating to the "ePortfolio Settings."
    ePortfolio Settings
  6. Check the "Make it Public" option box and click "Update ePortfolio" to make your ePortfolio public.
    Select Make It Public
  7. To get the share link for your public ePortfolio, copy the URL from your browser's address bar at the top of the screen.
    Select Link
  8. Confirm your public share link works by pasting it in the address bar of an incognito browser window.

Note: After you've shared a public ePortfolio link, you can set your ePortfolio settings back to private at any time which will remove access from those who previously had the public link. 

How to share a private Canvas ePortfolio 

The default setting on a Canvas ePortfolio is "private," which means it cannot be found via search engines or viewed with access to a specific link. Sharing a private ePortfolio link allows only those who have the link to view your ePortfolio. Follow these steps to locate your ePortfolio private share link.

  1. Log in to Canvas ( with your UWGB username and password.
  2. Navigate to the Canvas Global Navigation Menu and click "Account."
  3. In Account, click on the menu item "ePortfolios."

    Select ePortfolio
  4. Select the ePortfolio you want to share. 
  5. Confirm your portfolio is set to private by navigating to the "ePortfolio Settings."

    ePortfolio Settings
  6. Check that the "Make it Public" box is not checked and click "Update ePortfolio."

    Deselect Make It Public
  7. Refresh your browser to generate the private share link.
  8. Copy and share the link provided under the header "Your ePortfolio is Private."

    Select Link under Your portfolio is private
  9. Confirm your private share link works by pasting it in the address bar of an incognito browser window

Note: When you share a private ePortfolio link, you cannot "unshare" the ePortfolio. 

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This article is a collection of technical guides intended to help instructors build, manage, and share an ePortfolio in Canvas. You must be enrolled in a Canvas course to create an ePortfolio.
This article is a collection of technical guides intended to help students build, manage, and share an ePortfolio in Canvas. Any student enrolled in a Canvas course can create an ePortfolio.