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This document details how to log in to DocuSign and provides links to reference materials.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Canvas
This guide details three methods for safely sharing Canvas course content with another instructor.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Canvas
This article describes how program chairs can add a special attribute to a section while scheduling it in CLSS that will prevent the course evaluation system from sending the standard UWGB Student Evaluation of Instruction form to the students in that section.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Canvas
Students can use the Canvas Inbox tool to send messages to their instructor or classmates. The Inbox tool works similarly to email except that messages, which Canvas refers to as "conversations", reside in Canvas instead of Outlook. The Inbox is accessed by clicking the Inbox button in the Global Navigation menu along the left side of any Canvas page. This article is a collection of technical resources intended to help students use the Canvas Inbox.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Learning
- Canvas
Canvas course instructors can use the Inbox tool to send messages to individual students, groups, or entire classes. Students may also send Inbox messages to their instructor or classmates. The Inbox tool works similarly to email except that messages, which Canvas refers to as "conversations", reside in Canvas instead of Outlook. The Inbox is accessed by clicking the Inbox button in the Global Navigation menu along the left side of any Canvas page.
- Knowledge Base
- Self Service and Guides
This document details the two procedures for getting a shareable link for a My Media video.