Connecting to eduroam
1. In the upper-right corner of your screen, click on the wifi symbol
![Wifi Symbol](
2. Under "Wi-Fi", select eduroam
a. If your Wi-Fi isn't turned on, click on the icon circled in the screenshot below
![Wifi Toggle](
3. Next to "Account Name", enter your UWGB email - then, enter your password and select the arrows next to "No certificate selected"
a. If you are on a Personal Mac, your device will skip to Step 5
![Enter UWGB email](
4. Choose the certificate that has your Mac's GB Number if you are on a UWGB owned Mac
![Select GB# of computer for certificate](
5. On the "Verify Certificate" page, select "Continue"
![Select Verify Certificate](
6. If your Mac successfully connected to eduroam, it will show up under "Known Network"
![Known Networks](