Searching the Knowledge Base

The GBIT Self Service Portal contains articles that can help you answer questions you may have about IT services at University of Wisconsin - Green Bay.  Searching the Knowledge Base can quickly take you to the information you are looking for.

There are two ways to search for Knowledge Base articles:

  • Search by keyword or phrase
  • Search by looking through the Knowledge Base catalog

Use the search tool

  1. On the GBIT Self Service Portal Home page, select Knowledge Base in the green ribbon
  2. On the Knowledge Base main page, select the Search link, located in the Knowledge Base navigation menu.
  3. Enter the terms you wish to find and either hit Enter or select the Search button to display your search results.

Search by category

  1. In TeamDynamix, select Knowledge Base in the green ribbon.
  2. The Knowledge Base home page displays available categories.
  3. Locate and select the Category that is most relevant to your question.
  4. Choose the Article that best matches your question. You will be taken to that article's page for an explanation of that topic and links to any related Knowledge Base articles.
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Related Articles (1)

This article provides detailed instructions on how to access and utilize the GBIT Self Service Portal, including features available to university employees, students, and guests. It also includes contact information for additional help from the GBIT Service Desk.