Requesting a New Computer Lab or Modification to Existing Computer Lab

Requesting a New Computer Lab

  1. Determine your needs for this new lab
    1. Location (has this been approved by Facilities, speak with your College Dean if you are unsure)
    2. Type of device and specifications for the devices
    3. The number of devices
      1. NOTE: Each device will be charged a limited subscription fee each year.
    4. Which software will be needed on the devices
    5. Is there going to be a device attached to the computer?
  2. Discuss this need with your supervisor/chair.
  3. The supervisor/chair brings the proposal up to ADA, DA, and/or Dean of the College
  4. If the Dean's office approves, the ADA or DA will fill out a project request form.
  5. IT Leadership receives this request and will either approve or deny the request. 

Project Request: Project Request Form


Modifying an Existing Computer Lab

  1. Determine what needs to be changed in this lab.
    1. Take into account if this is a lab shared with other colleges or faculty.
  2. Discuss this change with your supervisor/chair.
  3. The supervisor/chair brings the proposal up to ADA, DA, and/or Dean of the College
  4. If the Dean's office approves, the ADA or DA will fill out a project request form.
  5. IT Leadership receives this request and will either approve or deny the request. 

Project Request: Project Request Form