Technology Purchase Overview
The Division of IT is responsible for tracking all technology assets purchased with university funds. To ensure accurate inventory and tracking, all computer hardware, software, peripherals, or any other equipment that is intended to connect to the University’s wired or wireless network and/or purchased with University funds will require consultation with and approval by IT prior to purchase. All hardware requests need to be submitted by an ADA or a member of a department with budget authority.
Before making a purchase, please review your department's inventory to check if there's already available equipment that can be re-purposed.
For additional details and the latest updates on technology purchasing, please visit our Technology Purchasing Page.
Hardware Purchases
The IT Division supports the purchase of computer workstations, laptops, tablets, and monitors primarily from Dell. Standardizing on this manufacturer ensures that we can provide the best support possible at reasonable prices. Any items not purchased through IT are subject to return.
Process for Requesting a New Device
- Determine if this will be a new device or if it will be replacing a device
- Note: If this is a computer beyond your 1st computer, the full subscription cost will be charged each year.
- Discuss with your supervisor about your desire for a new device
- Supervisor contacts ADA, DA, and/or Dean about the purchase.
- ADA or DA of Dept/College fills out the Hardware Request Form on this page.
- IT will review the request and follow up with any questions.
- If approved, IT will order the device and let you know when to expect the device to arrive.
- Once the device arrives, IT will set the device and contact the contact of the request for deployment.
If you are looking to start a new lab, follow this link to this KB: Requesting a New Computer Lab or Modification to Existing Computer Lab.
For consultations on hardware purchases, please contact the IT Service Desk at 920-465-2309 or submit a ticket.
For further details, visit the Hardware Purchasing Section.
Software Purchases
University-owned computers come with several software applications pre-installed, including the Microsoft Office Suite. Other software purchases require prior approval from IT. Factors to consider include data and security compliance, integration requirements, and formal quotes.
For consultations or reviews, complete an IT Project Request.
For more information, visit the Software Purchasing Section.
Cloud Application/Service Purchases
Cloud applications or services are hosted and managed outside the organization and delivered over the Internet. These purchases require an IT and security assessment to ensure compliance with University policies. The assessment process duration varies based on multiple factors.
For more details, please visit the Cloud Services Purchasing Section.
For consultations or reviews, complete an IT Project Request.