Quick Links

Quick links to popular services and categories.

Categories (5)

Accounts and Access

Services Related to Accounts and Requesting Access

Device Support

Services relating to device support.

Network and Connectivity

Services related to network and connectivity

Software and Applications

Services Related to Software and Applications


Services Related to Web/Video Conferencing, Phones and Voicemail

Services (3)

General IT Assistance and Ticket Submission

This article serves as a guide for submitting general IT assistance requests and encourages the use of specific forms to ensure efficient and effective resolution of IT issues.

Reporting an Outage

This article provides steps and required information for reporting any type of outage to the GBIT Service Desk.

GBIT Self Service Portal Feedback

Provide feedback, suggestions, or comments about the GBIT Self Service Portal to help us improve your user experience. Your feedback will be directed to the appropriate team for review and action.