KB Sections:
Connecting to a Network Drive
Automatically Connecting to a Network Drive When You Log In
Connecting to a Network Drive
1. Open "Finder"

2. Select "Go" in the upper-left corner of your home screen

3. Select "Connect To Server"

4. On the following screen:
1. Enter the Drive's file path in this format smb://servername.uwgb.edu/share (example: smb://fpsa.uwgb.edu/compserv$)
2. Optional: Select the plus sign button to add the Network Drive to your favorite servers/Network Drives
3. Select "Connect"

Automatically Connecting to a Network Drive When You Log In
1. First, connect to a Network Drive as described in the section above: Connecting to a Network Drive
2. On the home screen of your Mac:
1. Select the magnifying glass icon in the upper-right corner of your home screen
2. Search "System Settings"

3. In System Settings, search and select "Login Items"

4. Drag and drop the Network Drive on your home screen into the "Open at Login" box

5. After adding the Network Drive to the "Open at Login" box, select the plus sign button

5. Enter your UWGB username and password and select "Connect" - your network drive will now automatically connect when you login to your device

For a Personal Mac
We recommend that people use OneDrive to save their files either through the web browser or using the OneDrive app from the App Store. If you're a faculty or staff using SafeConnect VPN, you can follow the instructions above for a University Mac on Campus.